Monday, October 13, 2008

roguse state-us

these pics were take by deon rivers ( the light skin kid) lol, i was juss the model rockin my rogue status gun show tank top lookin like a G, lol. keep it hood!

fatz BIG 18TH

my favorite kuzzin finally turned 18, this nigga is the funniest person i kno 4reel, so we went out to bj's for dinner and had a great time w/ the fam and some friends...the food is great! i had some chicken fettichini and bbq chicken pizza.....niggas gotta have a piece of chicken in every meal lol

one of those ucr nights

cool night at UCR (university of california riverside) for those of you who dont know. kicked it with brinks and aften and met a cute ethopian chick lol, kicked it in the dorms til like 2.30 am. it was 46 degress out there. i couldnt wait to get back to LA!